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South Dakota

South Dakota Inmate Search

Updated on: January 5, 2025
Department Name
South Dakota Department of Corrections
3200 East Highway 34, c/o 500 East Capitol Avenue Pierre, SD 57501
Phone Number
(605) 773-3478
(605) 773-3194

About South Dakota Department of Corrections

Use this website for informational purposes only.

The correctional system in South Dakota, managed by the South Dakota Department of Corrections (SDDOC), focuses on the management, supervision, and control of the state's criminal offenders. SDDOC's mission involves protecting the public, employees, and inmates, providing opportunities for change to offenders, and successfully reintegrating offenders into society.

The SDDOC encompasses a range of correctional institutions that include state prisons, community corrections centers, and juvenile facilities. It also coordinates with county and city jurisdictions regarding the operations of local jails.

The system involves the enforcement of sentences handed down by state courts, including terms of imprisonment, probation, and parole. It also provides a range of rehabilitative programs such as education, vocational training, and substance abuse treatment to help offenders reintegrate into society post-incarceration.

More detailed information can be obtained from the South Dakota Department of Corrections website.

Types of Correctional Institutions in South Dakota

There are several types of correctional institutions in South Dakota, with varying levels of security and purpose. These include:

State Prisons

State prisons are managed directly by the SDDOC. These are long-term facilities for individuals convicted of felonies. The state prisons in South Dakota include:

County Jails

County jails are managed by the county sheriff's offices and are primarily used to detain individuals awaiting trial or those serving short sentences. Major county jails in South Dakota include:

City Jails

City jails are operated by city law enforcement agencies and typically house individuals arrested on city-level offenses or misdemeanors. They are meant for short-term confinement, usually for individuals awaiting arraignment or trial at a municipal court.

Inmate Search Options in South Dakota

If you're seeking to find an inmate within the South Dakota correctional system, there are both online and offline methods available. Here's how to conduct an inmate search in South Dakota:

State Prisons

For state prisons, the SDDOC Adult Inmate Locator provides an online search tool. To search for an inmate, you'll need either their full name or their DOC number.

County Jails

For county jails, you'll need to visit the specific county's Sheriff's Office website. Here's how to conduct a search in the major county jails:

City Jails

City jails often do not have dedicated online search systems due to their more transient inmate populations. It's usually necessary to contact the city's police department directly to inquire about an inmate.

Please note that information about federal prisoners can be obtained using the Federal Bureau of Prisons Inmate Locator, regardless of the state they are incarcerated in.

In the absence of online options, you can always resort to telephone inquiries or physical visits to these facilities, respecting their specific visitation policies. Always remember to adhere to the provided guidelines for a successful and hassle-free inmate search.

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Types of Correctional Facilities in South Dakota

South Dakota Prisons and Jails